“Kore-eda’s Poetics,” Miami University of Ohio (April 2024)
“The Essay Film,” Clemson University (March 2024)
Guest lecture, Georgetown University, Portuguese Studies program, Films of Manoel de Oliveira (February 2023)
Introduction (in Spanish) to film After Life, University of Granada, 2022
2 Guest talks, Toronto Cinematheque LightBox, “Summer in Japan,” 2018
Poetry reading, Innisfree Bookstore, Boulder, Colorado (Nov. 2, 2017)
Guest Lecture, Portland State University
Guggenheim Museum, Museum of Fine Arts/Boston, Cinematheque Ontario/Toronto
Various talks on the films of Spanish director Víctor Erice
Cleveland Museum of Art
“The Human Landscape in Japanese Photography and Film”
Introductions and post-viewing discussions of films by Mizoguchi, Ozu, Kore-eda, Erice, Álvarez
Miami (various sites)
“Documentary Images of the Sephardim”
The Memoir of Juan Luis Buñuel (sculptor, documentarist, son of Luis Buñuel)
“Japanese Artistic Connections with Europe”
“The Films of Spanish director José Luis Guerín”
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
“Pilgrimage and Return in Japanese Cinema”
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
“Childhood and the Resonant Gesture on Screen”
Kabuki performance, Portland, Oregon
“Chūshingura: The Movie” (Tale of the Loyal 47 Ronin)
Where Rivers Meet festival, San Antonio, Texas
“Water Imagery in the Films of Jean Renoir”
Pacific Film Archives
Presentation of a Korean Zen Buddhist film
Alberta, Canada
“The Opheus Myth on Screen”
Japan Society/NY
“Black Rain” (a film set in Hiroshima, by Imamura Shōhei)
Japanese puppetry and pedagogy